Initial “Pre-draft” of the report of the OEWG on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security Comments by ARGENTINA Argentina considers extremely important the existence of inclusive spaces such as this Open Ended Working Group in which countries from all regions and diversity of visions can engage actively with the aim of building consensus regarding the rules, norms and principles of responsible state behaviour and the way international law applies in cyberspace. At the same time, it is necessary to recognise the important contribution done so far by the GGE. It is important to acknowledge that discussions both in the GGE and in this OEWG do not start from scratch. Well to the contrary, there is a valuable acquis of voluntary norms, rules and principles that have been accepted by consensus by all members of UN General Assembly to guide State´s use of ICT and responsible state behaviour in cyberspace. This is a starting point and a basis that we should preserve and continue to work upon so that it can become more operative. As mandated by its National Cybersecurity Strategy, Argentina promotes the peaceful use of cyberspace and supports all initiatives aimed at the establishment of values such as Justice, respect for International Law, equilibrium and the narrowing of the digital gap among States, while encouraging dialogue and cooperation. Respect for Human Rights and individual freedoms enshrined in Argentina´s Constitution as well as in International Treaties are fundamental principles for the protection of individuals in cybersecurity. In the context of continuous innovations in ICT and increasing use of emerging technologies such as Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence, among others, it´s necessary to actively work so that the benefits of these technologies can be enjoyed by all nations with fairness and equilibrium. 1. General comments on the document 1.1. It is important to point out that the OEWG has proven a very positive exercise so far, providing an inclusive and transparent space in which all states are able to participate, as well as recognising the added value of a multistakeholder approach. 1.2. From our point of view, most of the discussions and ideas shared during the first two substantive sessions of the OEWG are properly reflected in the document, in particular in sections A- G 1.3. In this sense, we consider the document to be a balanced and good base for the future OEWG report. 1.4. We believe that as an initial pre draft report of this OEWG, that includes a multistakeholder approach, the document reflects some minimum consensus upon which it is expected to acquire more specific recommendations during future discussions. 1.5. Within this framework, it is deemed important to move forward, in particular, in the following aspects that would contribute in a significant manner to keep an open, secure, resilient and peaceful cyberspace: o Broad support on initiatives designated to narrow the digital gap;

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