2. o Broad understanding on the application of international law in cyberspace; o Greater understanding on the technical capacities for attribution of responsibility for cyberattacks; o Achieve consensus with regard to the institutionalisation of a regular dialogue in the framework of OEWG and GGE. Specific comments on the different sections of the document Section A “Introduction”: o Para. 9: We particularly support the recognition that narrowing the digital gap is an urgent priority for the international community and that should be mainstreamed through the all the chapters of the group´s agenda. o Para. 13: This paragraph states that sections B-G “reflect the substantive discussions of the OEWG and its recommendations”. Hence, it would be important to clarify the scope of section H and distinguish which of the paragraphs from section B-G are descriptive and which are prescriptive or contain recommendations. Section B “Real and potential Threats”: o Para. 16: We strongly support the notion that the lack of capacity is a threat in itself. Section C “International Law”: o Para. 20: We share the emphasis on the notion that solutions will be more effective and long-lasting if they are inclusive and all the actors of the international community contribute to them. o Para. 27: We consider that for clarity it would be better to divide this paragraph into two independent paragraphs. This is due to the fact that as it stands now it refers to a variety of questions related to the application of international law that deserve a differentiated treatment. It is proposed that a first paragraph refers to the clarifications that are needed as regards to what kind of ICT-related activity might be interpreted by other States as a threat or use of force (Art. 2(4) of the Charter) or might give a State cause to invoke its inherent right to self-defence (Art. 51 of the Charter). It is also understood that these are the questions that should be addressed with prudence. A second and separate paragraph should refer to the additional clarifications that may be required on the application of Humanitarian International Law principles to cyberoperations in the context of armed conflicts. o Para 32: We strongly support the notion that it is necessary to work towards developing common approaches regarding attribution at a technical level, which would contribute to transparency, accountability and responsible behaviour, enhance deterrence and could provide grounds for legal action by victims of malicious cyber activities.

Select target paragraph3