www.dfat.gov.au /geo/southeast-asia/investing-our-southeast-asian-partnerships/mekong-australia-partnership
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Mekong-Australia Partnership
Australia and the countries of the Mekong subregion share a vision for an open, inclusive, secure and
prosperous region. We are longstanding and committed neighbours and partners, with a robust economic
relationship and deep government and people connections.
The recovery of the Mekong subregion from the dual economic and health challenges of COVID-19 is
critical to our shared vision of stability and prosperity. To support these efforts, in November 2020 the
Australian Government announced the $232 million Mekong‑Australia Partnership (MAP) – building on
our long-standing bilateral programs with Mekong states – to enhance Australia's engagement with the
MAP forms part of Australia's approximately $500 million landmark package of new economic,
development and security measures to support Southeast Asia's COVID-19 recovery.
What the Mekong-Australia Partnership offers
MAP is a flexible program designed to respond to shared regional challenges. Australia works closely
with Mekong partners to align MAP projects with their priorities. MAP funds new activities and expands
on existing projects that are working well.
We are focusing on areas that matter to the Mekong, and where Australia can add value:
investing in human capacity through scholarships, short-term training courses, dialogues, and
institutional twinning
increasing economic resilience and supporting COVID-19 economic recovery through technical
assistance, private sector support pilots, and policy research and analysis
boosting trade and investment through business-focused programs, including implementing the
Australia-Vietnam Enhanced Economic Engagement Strategy
building environmental resilience to strengthen water security, address riverine and marine
pollution, promote clean energy and respond to climate change
strengthening cyber and critical technology capabilities in the Mekong, particularly in
telecommunications and critical infrastructure security.
Examples of MAP initiatives include:
new Australia Awards Scholarships for emerging leaders in the Mekong subregion
strengthening renewable energy development in Cambodia, including an initiative to help electrify
the remaining unconnected parts of the country through village-level mini-grids