South Africa’s inputs and comments on the “Pre-draft” of the report of the OEWG on development in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the context of International Security Inputs on introductory paragraphs: Paragraph 8 The paragraph should more fully appreciate the growing exploitation or abuse of ICTS that hinders access to technologies and where access has established presents challenges to the full enjoyment of digital connectivity for economic and social development and the threats of insecurity of ICTs inhibits the ability of States to secure the gains already achieved. Paragraph 9 The narrowing of the gender digital divide should take into consideration narrowing access to technology and ICTs and the disproportionate impact of abuse of ICTs on women. More broadly, the paragraph should articulate the broad consensus that participation of women in international security impacts sustainability of peace agreements and therefore the OEWG welcomes the participation of women in the discussions. Paragraph 12 The report should articulate what is meant by human centric approach and consider these two elements; Humans experience technology daily and in that interaction, humans should maintain control over the design, manufacture, and operationalisation of such technology and are accountable for use and abuse. Technology and ICTs impact on humans and deliberations should consider first the safety and security of humanity as ICTs cannot be discussed in isolation to their impact on humanitarian. 1. Existing and potential threats: The section should articulate the threats of unequal capacities to detect threats, identify vulnerabilities and withstand incidents and/ or attacks. The section should articulate the threats of stockpiling vulnerabilities with regards to the significant number of actors including government actors, contractors and vendors as well as threat actors. 1

Select target paragraph3