6ZLVV)HGHUDO$FWRQ'DWD3URWHFWLRQ  '3$  th rd of 19 June 1992 (Status as per 3 October 2000) 7KH)HGHUDO$VVHPEO\RIWKH6ZLVV&RQIHGHUDWLRQ on the basis of Articles 31 paragraphs 64, 64 and 85, Article 1 of the Federal Constitution1,2 rd and having considered the Report of the Federal Council dated 23 March 19883, bis bis GHFUHHV 6HFWLRQ2EMHFWLYH6FRSHDQG'HILQLWLRQV $UWLFOH Objective This Act shall seek to protect the personality and the fundamental rights of those individuals about whom data is processed. $UWLFOH 1 Scope This Act shall regulate the processing of data about physical and legal persons undertaken by: a) private individuals b) Federal authorities 2 It shall not apply to: a) personal data that is processed by a natural person exclusively for personal use and that is not disclosed to a third party; b) deliberations of the Federal Parliament and Parliamentary Committees; c) pending civil, penal, or international legal assistance proceedings, or public or administrative law proceedings, with the exception of administrative proceedings of the first instance; d) public registers relating to private law matters; e) personal data processed by the International Committee of the Red Cross. $UWLFOH Definitions The expressions below shall be defined as follows: a) SHUVRQDOGDWD GDWD : all information relating to an identified or identifiable person, b) SHUVRQVDIIHFWHG: the physical or legal persons about whom data is processed, AS  1945 1 [BS  3]. The provisions cited now correspond to Articles 95, 122, 123 and 173 paragraph 3 of the Federal Constitution of 18 April 1999 (SR ) 2 Version in accordance with Annex Section 13 of the Jurisdiction Act of 24 March 2000, in force since 1st January 2001 (SR ). 3 BBl ,, 413

Select target paragraph3