235.1 Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection c) VHQVLWLYHSHUVRQDOGDWD: data relating to: 1. religious, philosophical, political or trade union-related opinions or activities, 2. health, sexuality or racial origin, 3. social security files, 4. criminal or administrative proceedings and penalties; d) SHUVRQDOSURILOH: a collection of data that allows the appraisal of fundamental characteristics of the personality of a natural person; e) SURFHVVLQJ: any operations relating to personal data, irrespective of the equipment and procedures used, and in particular the collection, storage, use, modification, communication, archiving or the destruction of data; f) GLVFORVXUH: rendering data accessible, for example by allowing access to data by either transferring, distributing, or publishing the data; g) ILOH: a collection of personal data whose structure facilitates a search for data on a particular individual; h) )HGHUDODXWKRULW\: the authorities or departments of the Swiss Confederation as well as any persons working for the Swiss Confederation; j) ILOHFRQWUROOHU: the private persons or Federal authorities who decide on the purpose and the content of the file; k) law, in the formal sense: 1. Federal acts and generally binding federal decrees subject to referendum 2. resolutions of international organisations that are binding on Switzerland and international law treaties that have been ratified by the Federal Assembly and that have legislative content. 6HFWLRQ*HQHUDO'DWD3URWHFWLRQ3URYLVLRQV $UWLFOH Principles 1 All processing of personal data must be undertaken in a lawful manner. 2 Processing must be conducted in good faith and must not be excessive. 3 Personal data may only be processed for the purpose either for which it was collected, or which is evident from the circumstances, or which is provided for by the law. $UWLFOH Data accuracy 1 Whoever processes personal data must ensure that the information is correct. 2 Any persons affected can request the rectification of inaccurate data. $UWLFOH Transborder data flows  1 No personal data may be transferred abroad if the personal privacy of the persons affected could be seriously endangered, and in particular in cases where there is a failure to provide protection equivalent to that provided under Swiss law. 2

Select target paragraph3