(Provisional Translation)
Basic Policy on Cybersecurity Capacity Building Support
for Developing Countries
December 14, 2021
Approved by the Cybersecurity Strategic Headquarters
1 Basic Understanding
(1) With regard to capacity building in the cybersecurity field, the National Security Strategy
(approved by the Cabinet in December, 2013) states, “With regard to cyberspace, based on the
recognition of ensuring the free flow of information in cyberspace, Japan will actively cooperate
with like-minded countries in the development of international rules on the premise that existing
international law applies to cyberspace. Japan will also vigorously support the capacity building
efforts of developing countries in this area.” The Development Cooperation Charter (approved by
the Cabinet in February, 2015) lists enhancing the capacity of developing countries in relation to
cyberspace as a measure for “sharing universal values and realizing a peaceful and secure society,”
which is a priority issue in development cooperation. The Basic Policy for Reforms toward the
Realization of Digital Society (approved by the Cabinet in December 2020) sets “forth
enhancement of security through cybersecurity measures” as a basic principle for creating a digital
society and countries that Japan will actively conduct international cooperation and contribution.
And the “G7 Principles and Actions on Cyber” issued by the G7 in May 2016 during the IseShima Summit confirmed that G7 leaders will endeavor to strengthen our cooperation on “capacity
building to promote security and stability in cyberspace. Report of the Open-ended Working
Group on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of
International Security adopted by the United Nations Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on
Cybersecurity in March, 2021 recommends on “Further promotion of coordination and resourcing
of capacity-building efforts”, and Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Advancing
Responsible State Behavior in Cyberspace in the Context of International Security adopted by the
United Nations Group of Governmental Experts (GGE) on Cybersecurity in July, 2021 also
identified necessity of “Further strengthening international cooperation and capacity-building in
order to ensure all States can contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security”.
Furthermore, the Cybersecurity Strategy 2021 (approved by the Cabinet in September, 2021)
identified necessity of further enhancing international cooperation and collaboration as the digital
economy has spread and ensuring "a free, fair and secure cyberspace" becomes more important than
ever, and it stated with regard to capacity building support, “Other countries are providing various
capacity building supports for developing countries. Under Japan’s basic principles, Japan will
provide the required supports strategically and efficiently as a nationwide effort, and also in a multilayered manner in collaboration with diverse stakeholders including like-minded countries,
international organizations such as the World Bank, industry and academia.”.
(2) Such support is important for Japan from the following perspectives.
(i) Reducing international cybersecurity vulnerabilities and risks for Japan and the rest of the world.
(ii) Ensuring the stability of the lives of Japanese residents and the activities of Japanese
companies that depend on critical infrastructure in recipient countries.
(iii) Obtaining general understanding of Japan’s position based on the basic principles of assurance
of the free flow of information and the rule of law among those countries.
(iv) Developing a foundation for Japan’s information and telecommunications industry and others
to operate locally in those countries.
(v) Contributing to the reinforcement of government policies such as the Infrastructure Export