President Kaljulaid at CyCon 2019: Cyber attacks should not be easy weapon | News | ERR 11/10/2022, 14:25 During the 70-year history of NATO, no ally has actually been conventionally attacked or lost its sovereignty. This is because NATO's collective defense posture – at least in the conventional domain – has been and will remain to be a credible deterrent. Still nobody dares to cross NATO, as the consequences would be known, clear and devastating. If we think of some of the basic tenets of the international law system, then yes, international law and organizations have not been able to end all wars and aggression, but everybody clearly knows that when you breach international law then it will be taken up for sure in the UN Security Council. And this always has consequences, and therefore also acts as a deterrent. For some reason, the same principles remain ambiguous in cyber domain, to say the least, although they shouldn't. Today it is still possible for an adversarial country to carry out a malicious cyber operation, or a number of them simultaneously, and get away with it. Or almost get away with it, since at least on attribution, a lot of progress has been achieved over the last years. But one of the reasons for this is that cyber still leaves a lot of gray areas, including on how precisely international law applies in the cyber sphere. International law Page 2 of 9

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