STATEMENT BY MR GAURAV KEERTHI, DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE (DEVELOPMENT), CYBER SECURITY AGENCY OF SINGAPORE AT THE VIRTUAL CONSULTATIONS OF THE UNITED NATIONS OPEN-ENDED WORKING GROUP, 22 FEBRUARY 2021 Thank you, Chair. 1 First of all, I would like to acknowledge the Chair and his team in running the process, and on their effort in putting together the zero-draft report. Singapore fully supports the Chair’s effort in achieving positive outcomes in this current OEWG. In our view, the OEWG would have made significant progress when we achieve two key outcomes. 2 First, our discussions at this OEWG in and of itself is a significant achievement. As mentioned by some of our colleagues like Slovenia and Argentina, this is the first time that all 193 member states are participating in an open, inclusive, and transparent UN process, which has raised awareness on the critical issues for the responsible use of ICTs by States in the context of international peace and security. We should not take what we have discussed in this process lightly. The OEWG discussions have catalysed further discussions and actions within and beyond regional organisations, such as ASEAN, with the wider UN membership now gaining a better understanding and participating in advancing security and stability in cyberspace. We would not have seen such an extent of discussions on cybersecurity three years ago. Achieving a consensus report would thus signal the UN member states’ commitment to continuing these international cyber discussions. Whether we have a long report or a short one, what matters is that all of us believe that the report is a step forward from where we started. Not achieving consensus would be a step backwards for all of us, especially for small states like us who look to the UN to make progress on these issues.

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