Translation from Finnish
Legally binding only in Finnish and Swedish
Ministry of Justice, Finland
The Criminal Code of Finland
(39/1889, amendments up to 766/2015 included)
Chapter 1 - Scope of application of the criminal law of Finland (626/1996)
Section 1 - Offence committed in Finland
(1) Finnish law applies to an offence committed in Finland.
(2) Application of Finnish law to an offence committed in Finland’s economic zone
is subject to the Act on the Economic Zone of Finland (1058/2004) and the Act
on the Environmental Protection in Navigation (300/1979). (1680/2009)
Section 2 - Offence connected with a Finnish vessel (626/1996)
(1) Finnish law applies to an offence committed on board a Finnish vessel or aircraft if the offence was committed
(1) while the vessel was on the high seas or in territory not belonging to any
State or while the aircraft was in or over such territory, or
(2) while the vessel was in the territory of a foreign State or the aircraft was
in or over such territory and the offence was committed by the master of
the vessel or aircraft, a member of its crew, a passenger or a person who
otherwise was on board.
(2) Finnish law also applies to an offence committed outside of Finland by the
master of a Finnish vessel or aircraft or a member of its crew if, by the offence,
the perpetrator has violated his or her special statutory duty as the master of the
vessel or aircraft or a member of its crew.
Section 3 - Offence directed at Finland (626/1996)
(1) Finnish law applies to an offence committed outside of Finland that has been
directed at Finland.
(2) An offence is deemed to have been directed at Finland
(1) if it is an offence of treason or high treason,
(2) if the act has otherwise seriously violated or endangered the national,
military or economic rights or interests of Finland, or
(3) if it has been directed at a Finnish authority.
Section 4 – Offence in public office and military offence (626/1996)