DIREZIONE GENERALE PER GLI AFFARI POLITICI E DI SICUREZZA OEWG INFORMAL SESSION (18-19-22 febbraio 2021) – Italy’s interventions Ambassador Lauber, Thank you and your team for your tremendous work. Thank you also for convening us for this additional meeting and for the draft zero report that you circulated as promised at the very beginning of the year. We commend you for including all aspects which have been mentioned by all delegations, it does justice to the richness and length of our debates and helps to highlight the areas on which more work will be needed, possibly for years to come. Definitely, the zero draft it is the basis of our negotiations, precisely because of past discussions. We are happy about the new structure of the document and we appreciate that this has been done to respond to the call from some delegations, including ours - to reflect the different levels of agreement on different issues. We share your judgment on that, on the other hand, as it has already been highlighted by other delegations, we hope that going forward this will facilitate the process of bringing forward areas of consensus and focus more on recommendations. The choice to structure the document differently should help us in the end to ensure that the Group’s recommendations can become more ambitious, that its text may become leaner, but overall that it serves the purpose of

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