AMENDED DRAFT Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-1). I. GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (content of the Act) This Act shall govern the conditions for the provision of electronic communications networks and electronic communications services, the provision of universal service, the ensuring of competition and the management of the radio frequency spectrum and numbering resources, lay down the conditions for restrictions on ownership rights, specify the rights of users, govern the security of networks and services and their operation in emergency situations, ensure safeguarding of the right of users of public communications services to privacy of communications, govern the settlement of disputes between entities in the electronic communications market, govern the competencies, organisation and operations of the Communications Networks and Services Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter: the Agency) as an independent regulatory authority, as well as the competencies of other bodies performing tasks under this Act, and regulate other matters relating to electronic communications. Article 2 (aim of the Act) (1) The aim of this Act is to promote the development of electronic communications networks and services in the Republic of Slovenia, and thereby also the economic and social development of the country generally, develop the internal market of the European Union and enable the legitimate interests of all of its citizens to be exercised. A further aim of this Act is to ensure effective competition in the electronic communications market, efficient use of the radio frequency spectrum and numbering resources, universal service and protection of the rights of users, including disabled users and users with special social needs, and the right of users of public communications services to enjoy privacy of communications. (2) This Act transposes the following Directives into the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia: – Directive 2002/19/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities (Access Directive) (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 7), as last amended by Directive 2009/140/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2009 amending Directives 2002/21/EC on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, 2002/19/EC on access to, and interconnection of, electronic communications networks and associated facilities and 2002/20/EC on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services (OJ L 337, 18.12.2009, p. 37) (hereinafter: Directive 2009/140/EC); - Directive 2002/20/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on the authorisation of electronic communications networks and services (Authorisation Directive) (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 21), as last amended by Directive 2009/140/EC; - Directive 2002/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 March 2002 on a common regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services (Framework Directive) (OJ L 108, 24.4.2002, p. 33), as last amended by Directive

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