MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE KINGDOM OF NORWAY AND THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND ON THE ENHANCEMENT OF BILATERAL DEFENCE CO-OPERATION The Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway (hereafter “Norway”) Ministry of Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and (hereafter “the UK”), hereinafter referred to as “the Participants”; Northern and the Ireland Recalling the Bilateral and Global Partnership signed by the Prime Ministers of Norway and of the UK on 19 January 2011, which affirmed the broad, strong and long-standing bilateral relationship between Norway and the UK and committed both countries to further developing their defence and security co-operation; Recognising the shared interests, values and responsibilities of Norway and the UK, some of which arise from the geographical proximity of both nations in Northern Europe, and the potential advantages for co-operation that this confers; Mindful of their rights and obligations under the North Atlantic Treaty; Believing that greater bilateral defence and security co-operation will reinforce those rights and obligations; Determined to address strategic challenges and promote security in the context of their UN obligations; international peace and Understanding the need to strengthen European military capabilities in the context of NATO's Lisbon Critical Capabilities Commitment; Convinced that European allies and partners need to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their defence and security efforts by developing new approaches to bilateral and multinational defence and security co-operation, including through the co-ordination, on a voluntary basis, of defence and security policy and plans; Recognising the need to develop closer co-operation in capability development in order to achieve more cost-efficient, more available and more useable capabilities for Norway and the UK and for the Alliance. Desiring to reach a higher level of military co-operation in order to enhance the operational capabilities of both nations and ensure a higher degree of interoperability; Resolved to build on and strengthen the existing strong links between forces of Norway and the UK; Noting the renewed Memorandum Minister of Defence of the Kingdom for Defence of Understanding between the Secretary of State of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern of Norway Ireland and the in Respect of Defence operation, which came into effect on 11 January 2010; the armed Material Co- Acknowledging the financial and resource constraints faced by both nations;

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