CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY OF UKRAINE THREATS TO CYBERSECURITY OF UKRAINE Cyberthreats of military nature Cyberespionage Cyberterrorism Cybercrime KEY AREAS OF ENSURING CYBERSECURITY IN UKRAINE DEVELOPMENT OF SAFE, SUSTAINABLE AND RELIABLE CYBERSPACE Implement the relevant EU and NATO standards Develop a CERT network Improve legislation Raise public awareness in terms of cybersecurity Establish a system to identify, prevent and neutralize cyberthreats Develop an up-to-date infrastructure of electronic communications, technical and cryptographic protection systems Developed by StratComUA CYBERSECURITY OF THE GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC INFORMATION RESOURCES Create an integrated platform of secure electronic communications for government authorities Introduce an organizational and technical model of national cybersecurity system Build up secure system of electronic government registers, databases and data centers CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE CYBERSECURITY DEVELOPMENT OF CYBERSECURITY CAPACITY IN DEFENSE SECTOR Improve legislation Regulate the requirements to cybersecurity of critical infrastructure Develop public-private partnerships to prevent cyberthreats Develop indicators to evaluate the status of cybersecurity in different spheres Develop joint protocols for cybersecurity actors to respond to cyberattacks Establish cybersecurity and cyberprotection components across the defense forces Facilitate development of CERT network Improve training systems for personnel FIGHTING CYBERCRIMES Establish a contact center for reporting cybercrimes and fraud in the cyberspace Improve procedural tools for digital forensics Train judges, detectives and prosecutors with regard to handling digital evidence Train law enforcement personnel

Select target paragraph3