Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus "About some questio… of development of information society in the Republic of Belarus" 05/10/2022, 16:21 Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2022 SojuzPravoInform LLC PRESIDENTIAL DECREE OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS of November 8, 2011 No. 515 About some questions of development of information society in the Republic of Belarus (as amended on 31-05-2022) For the purpose of ensuring sustainable development of information society in the Republic of Belarus, enhancement of the state information policy and regulation of the market of telecommunication services I decide: 1. No. 460 is excluded according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 16.12.2019 2. Approve Regulations on the independent regulator in the sphere of information and communication technologies it (is applied). 3. Determine that the Operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus performs regulation in the sphere: functioning of the State management system open keys of verification of the digital signature of the Republic of Belarus (further – the State management system open keys); the cryptographic information security which is not containing the data carried to the state secrets; interdepartmental information exchange of state bodies, including courts (further – state bodies), and other state organizations on the basis of the interdepartmental and other state information systems which are not intended for the information processing referred to the state secrets if other is not provided by legal acts; operation and development of interdepartmental information systems in the list approved by this center (further – interdepartmental information systems). 4. To operational analytical center in case of the President of the Republic of Belarus till June 1, 2012 to create the republican unitary enterprise "National Center of Electronic Services" (further - NTsEU). 5. Determine that NTsEU: 5.1. performs functions: the operator of interdepartmental information systems, root and republican certification centers of the State management system open keys of verification of the digital signature of the Republic of Belarus, and also the automated information system "Departmental archive"; the national operator of the confidential third party on recognition of authenticity of electronic documents in case of interstate electronic interaction; operator of certification centers of national infrastructure of open keys of biometric documents; the operator of national certification center of infrastructure of open keys of the facilitated certificates; authorized operator of integration lock; the owner and the operator of the software of the information exchange which is one of the main functional components of national segment of the Republic of Belarus the integrated information system of the Eurasian Economic Union; operator of national certification center of infrastructure of open keys of check of authenticity of Internet resources; the supplier of electronic services to state bodies and other organizations, notaries and citizens with use of interdepartmental information systems on paid and non-paid basis; owner and operator of the Single system of identification of physical persons and legal entities; 5.2. provides exchange of information and electronic documents between the state information systems (resources) with use of interdepartmental information systems; 5.3. renders on a grant basis electronic services with use of interdepartmental information systems to state bodies, other organizations, notaries and citizens who according to legal acts are granted the right to non-paid use of information systems (resources) and (or) receipt of information, and also in other cases determined by the President of the Republic of Belarus. Rendering NTsEU on a grant basis of electronic services to state bodies, other organizations, notaries and citizens is not recognized: taxation object value added tax; Page 1 of 2

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