PROGRAM OF GOVERNMENT 2017-2020 Based on the results obtained at the early parliamentary elections held on 11 December 2016, the political parties that won majority seats in the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia agreed to form parliamentary majority in view of creating the new Government of the Republic of Macedonia. The political parties give full support for formation of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia and mandate it to implement the political commitments enlisted in this PROGRAM OF GOVERNMENT 2017-2020 The parliamentary majority, unequivocally dedicated to strengthening the unitary character, sovereignty and stability of the Republic of Macedonia, declares its unbinding political will to establish a reform-oriented government focused on Republic of Macedonia’s common strategic priorities, accession to NATO and the European Union, and secure prompt and sustainable resolution of the political crisis by allowing for true separation of powers, Rule of Law and the establishment of strong and professional institutions. The political parties give full support for formation of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia which, fully respecting the Constitution of the Republic of Macedonia and its international obligations, will dedicate itself to unification of all political forces behind a platform for a European and Euro-Atlantic Republic of Macedonia. The Government’s political priorities will be embedded in the Priebe Report and the urgent reform priorities defined by the European Union. The parliamentary majority will work with dedication on building good interethnic relations based on the principles of mutual respect and tolerance and the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement. Our reform agenda integrates the goals shared by all citizens of the Republic of Macedonia – greater well-being for all citizens, economic development, reinstatement of democracy, rule of law and justice, equality of all citizens, efficient institutions, high-quality education and health system as well as improvement of the international reputation and standing of the Republic of Macedonia. 1

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