Cyber security strategy of Romania I. Introduction 1. Background The rapid development of modern information and communication technologies – a sine qua non condition for the edification of the Information Society - has had a major impact on the social environment, marking true mutations in the operating philosophy of economics, politics and the culture, but also in the daily life of the individual. In fact, at present, the easy access to technology information and communication is one of the prerequisites for the proper functioning of modern society. Cyberspace is characterized by the absence of borders, dynamism and anonymity, generating equal both opportunities to develop knowledge-based information society and risks to its functionality (at the individual, state and even transborder). Alongside the undeniable benefits that computerization introduces in modern society, it also introduces vulnerabilities, so the security of cyberspace should be a major concern of all stakeholders, especially at institutional level, where responsibility of elaborating and implementing coherent policies in the field concentrates. Romania aims to develop both a dynamic information environment based on interoperability and specific information society services, and enforcement of citizens’ fundamental rights and freedoms and the national security interests, in an appropriate legal framework. In light of this, there is a need to develop a cyber security culture among the ITC users, which are often insufficiently informed of potential risks and countering solutions. Widespread knowledge about risks and threats deriving from activities in the cyberspace, as well as means of prevention and countering them requires efficient communication and cooperation between specific actors in this field. The Romanian state assumes the role of coordinator of cyber security activities at national level, in line with EU and NATO initiatives. The cyber security issue has become a priority for these bodies, which implement regulatory approaches required for the development of cyber defence mechanisms. Cyber security incidents and major cyber attacks which some states and international organizations have faced in recent years have determined, at international level, the understanding of the need to adopt strategies and policies in the field of cybersecurity. Thus, there are now national cyber security strategies, such as those of Estonia, United States, Britain, Germany and France, which substantiate the need to further develop their capabilities to counter cyber attacks and which set the framework for action and cooperation between different government entities and NGOs in order to mitigate the consequences. According to these strategies, states’ efforts aim at implementing security measures conducive to the growth of cyber infrastructure protection level, especially those supporting national critical infrastructures. The rapidly evolving nature of cyber threats has required the adoption, including at NATO, of a new concept and a new cyber defense policy. To this end, NATO has redefined its role and area of action in the field and developed a plan of action to develop the capabilities required to protect own cyber infrastructure own and mechanisms for consultation between Member States and for assuring assistance in the event of major cyber attacks.

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