-States should handle data security in a comprehensive, objective and evidence-based manner, and maintain an open, secure and stable supply of global ICT products and services. -States should stand against ICT activities that impair or steal important data of other States' critical infrastructure, or use the data to conduct activities that undermine other States' national security and public interests. -States should take actions to prevent and put an end to activities that jeopardize personal information through the use of ICTs, and oppose unauthorized collection of personal information of other States with ICTs as a tool. -States should encourage companies to abide by laws and regulations of the State where they operate. States should respect the sovereignty, jurisdiction and governance of data of other States, and shall not obtain data located in other States through companies or individuals without other States' permission. -Should States need to obtain overseas data out of law enforcement requirement such as combating crimes, they should do it through judicial assistance or other relevant multilateral and bilateral agreements. Any bilateral data access agreement between two States should not infringe upon the judicial sovereignty and data security of a third State. -ICT products and services providers should not exploit their products and services to illegally obtain users' data, control or manipulate users' systems and devices. -ICT companies should not seek illegitimate interests by taking advantage of users' dependence on their products, nor force users to upgrade their systems and devices. Products providers should make a commitment to notifying their cooperation partners and users of serious vulnerabilities in their products in a timely fashion and offering remedies. The two sides call on all States to support this initiative, and confirm the aforementioned commitments through bilateral, regional and international agreements. We also welcome global ICT companies to support this initiative. Appendix: Suggest to a friend Print Related News: 2/2

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