Contents Message from the Director 01 Purpose / About CISA Current Risk Landscape North Star / Our Mission and Vision CISA Core Values CISA Core Principles 03 04 06 07 08 S T RAT E GIC PLA N OV E RV IE W 09 GOA L 1 | C Y B E R D E F E N SE Spearhead the national effort to ensure defense and resilience of cyberspace 11 1.1. Enhance the ability of federal systems to withstand cyberattacks and incidents 1.2. Increase CISA’s ability to actively detect cyber threats targeting America’s critical infrastructure and critical networks 1.3. Drive the disclosure and mitigation of critical cyber vulnerabilities 1.4. Advance the cyberspace ecosystem to drive security-by-default GOA L 2 | R I SK R E D UC TIO N A N D R E SILIE N C E Reduce risks to, and strengthen resilience of, America’s critical infrastructure 2.1. Expand visibility of risks to infrastructure, systems, and networks 2.2. Advance CISA’s risk analytic capabilities and methodologies 2.3. Enhance CISA’s security and risk mitigation guidance and impact 2.4. Build greater stakeholder capacity in infrastructure and network security and resilience 2.5. Increase CISA’s ability to respond to threats and incidents 2.6. Support risk management activities for election infrastructure C I S A ST R AT EG I C PL A N 12 13 14 15 16 18 18 19 20 21 21 I

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