G7 ICT AND INDUSTRY MINISTERS’ DECLARATION MAKING THE NEXT PRODUCTION REVOLUTION INCLUSIVE, OPEN AND SECURE Torino, 25 - 26 September 2017 26 September 2017 1. The pace of change is accelerating. The Next Production Revolution is now. The combination of a variety of digital and other technologies, new materials and new processes is already transforming production in our countries, with pervasive effects on our lives. This transformation has the potential for farreaching effects to productivity, employment, skills, economic growth, trade, well-being and the environment. It brings opportunities, as well as challenges for our economies and societies. 2. Recognising the impacts for society and economy of these transformative technologies, the G7 Countries have recently initiated strategies to embrace opportunities and address challenges brought by the Next Production Revolution (NPR). These provide the basis to leverage best practices and build a coordinated international dialogue at the G7 level, with the joint aim of reaping the benefits and addressing the challenges of the NPR for all countries and communities.

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