(“Official Gazette” of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, 36/03) CRIMINAL CODE OF THE FEDERATION OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA GENERAL PART I CHAPTER ONE Article 1 Scope of This Code This Code shall regulate the general part of the criminal legislation in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and criminal offences falling within the jurisdiction of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: the Federation). Article 2 Meaning of Terms as Used in This Code The criminal legislation in the Federation comprises the criminal justice provisions contained in this Code and in other laws of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and cantonal laws. (1) The territory of the Federation means the land, coastal seas and water surfaces within its borders, as well as the air space over them. (2) An official person means: an elected or appointed official or other official person in legislative, executive and judicial bodies and other administrative bodies or services of the Federation, cantons, cities and municipalities, which services perform particular administrative, expert and other duties, within the rights and liabilities of the authority who has founded them; a person who continuously or occasionally executes official duty in the mentioned bodies or institutions; an authorised person in a business enterprise or other legal person who has been entrusted with the execution of public authorities by law or other regulation passed on the basis of law, and who performs a certain duty within the frame of those authorities; and other person who performs a particular official duty on the basis of the authorisation given by law or other regulations passed on the basis of law. (3) A military person means a soldier in the military service, cadet at a military academy, junior officer, officer and military official on active duty, as well as a reservist on military duty as serviceman, and a civilian person executing a certain military duty. (4) When an official person or a military person has been indicated as the perpetrator of a particular criminal offence, persons referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article may be considered the perpetrators of such offences provided that it does not follow from the characteristics of a particular criminal offence or particular prescript that their perpetrator may only be one of the specified persons. (5) A responsible person means a person in a business enterprise or other legal person who, in the line of duty or on the basis of specific authorisation, has been entrusted with a portfolio related to the implementation of law or regulations passed on the basis of law, or general act of a business enterprise or other legal person in managing and administrating the property, or is related to managing a productive or other economic process or supervision of such process. Official persons as defined in paragraph 3 of this Article are also considered responsible persons when the actions as whose perpetrator the responsible person has been indicated are at issue, and at the same time are not stipulated as criminal offence by provision of the chapter dealing with criminal offences against official and other responsible duty, or as criminal offences of an official person stipulated under some other chapter of this Code or under other law of the Federation or of

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