DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT “AZERBAIJAN - 2020: OUTLOOK FOR THE FUTURE” Project “AZERBAIJAN 2020: LOOK INTO THE FUTURE” CONCEPT OF DEVELOPMENT CONTENTS 1. The current situation 2. Modern challenges 3. Azerbaijan 2020: Strategic View and Main Priorities 4. Towards a highly competitive economy 4.1 The formation of an economic model based on effective state regulation and mature market relations 4.2 The improvement of the economic structure and the development of the non-oil sector 4.3 Support for scientific potential and innovative activity 5. The improvement of the transport, transit and logistic infrastructure. The balanced development of regions 6. The development of information and communication technologies and ensuring transition to an information society 7. The development of human capital and the establishment of an effective social security system 7.1 The main tasks in the sphere of the population’s health and the health care system 7.2 The formation of a modern education system 7.3 The improvement of the social security system 7.4 The provision of gender equality and the development of family 7.5 The development of youth potential and sports 8. The improvement of legislation and strengthening of institutional potential 9. The development of civil society 10. The protection and effective management of cultural heritage 11. Environmental protection and ecological issues 1

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