2/15/24, 5:57 PM PORTARIA Nº 6, DE 9 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 - PORTARIA Nº 6, DE 9 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2024 - DOU - Imprensa Nacional OFFICIAL DIARY OF THE UNION Published on: 02/14/2024 | Edition: 30 | Section: 2 | Page: 4 Body: Presidency of the Republic/Institutional Security Office ORDINANCE NO. 6, OF FEBRUARY 9, 2024 THE MINISTER OF STATE HEAD OF THE INSTITUTIONAL SECURITY OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENCY OF THE REPUBLIC , in the use of the attribution conferred on him by art. 87, items II and IV, of the Constitution, and in view of the provisions of art. 7, § 6, and in art. 14 of Decree No. 11,856, of December 26, 2023, resolves: Art. 1 Appoint the following representatives, principals and alternates, to form the National Cybersecurity Committee - CNCiber: I - from the Institutional Security Office of the Presidency of the Republic, which will preside over the CNCiber: a) holder: IVAN DE SOUSA CORRÊA FILHO; b) substitute: ANDRÉ LUIZ BANDEIRA MOLINA; II - from the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic: a) holder: PEDRO HELENA PONTUAL MACHADO; b) substitute: WILLIAM RIBEIRO DA SILVA; III - from the Comptroller General of the Union: a) holder: LUCAS FREIRE SILVA; b) substitute: HENRIQUE APARECIDO DA ROCHA; IV - from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation: a) holder: HAMILTON JOSÉ MENDES DA SILVA; b) substitute: RUBENS DINIZ TAVARES; V - from the Ministry of Communications: a) holder: HERMANO BARROS TERCIUS; b) substitute: NATHALIA ALMEIDA DE SOUZA LOBO; VI - from the Ministry of Defense: a) holder: ALAN DENILSON LIMA COSTA; b) substitute: MARCO ANTÔNIO LINHARES SOARES; VII - from the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services: a) holder: FELIPE AUGUSTO MACHADO; b) substitute: LUIS FELIPE GIESTEIRA; VIII - from the Ministry of Education: a) holder: FÁBIO CAMPELO SANTOS DA FONSECA RIBEIRO; b) substitute: EVÂNIO ANTÔNIO DE ARAÚJO JÚNIOR; IX - from the Ministry of Finance: a) holder: VLADIMIR REIS JOAQUIM LOPES; b) substitute: FELIPE MENDES MORAES; X - from the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services: a) holder: LEONARDO RODRIGO FERREIRA; https://www.in.gov.br/web/dou/-/portaria-n-6-de-9-de-fevereiro-de-2024-542752145 1/3

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