7. We recognise the gap between supply and demand for cyber security capacity building internationally. The United Kingdom, through the establishment of a new Global Cyber Security Capacity Building Centre (GCSCBC) is looking at how to make better use of the skills and resources internationally to address this issue. 8. The United Kingdom and New Zealand will work closely together to ensure these and other efforts can attain full global reach, including how to best support the work of the ASEAN Regional Forum partners and also the Pacific Island Forum’s regional security committee. Economic Benefit and Business/Government Partnerships 9. Security and resilience of our networks and promoting a safe digital environment requires our governments to build and maintain a close working relationship with the private sector that manufactures, owns or operates the majority of infrastructure on which the global internet relies. We will look at opportunities for increased New Zealand – United Kingdom exchange on our respective business outreach programmes and through that improve links between our key industry partners. 10. We also need to work closely with the business community generally, to build awareness and to improve companies’ ability to take responsibility for protecting their intellectual property. Creating a cyber-aware investment environment is essential if we are to create the conditions for business success, and help our companies respond to the challenge of globalisation. 11. We will collaborate on cyber-related research and development activities, both within government and with the private sector in both countries. 12. We will explore the potential for synergies arising from our respective cyber investment programmes. Where appropriate, we will work jointly to deploy new capabilities and will share our thinking on the development of new approaches to government partnerships with the private sector. Mutual Defence 13. We will continue to share situational awareness information and intelligence and security data from a wide range of sources to maximise the ability of both nations to detect and respond to foreign cyber intrusions on networks of national importance. 14. We will work closely together, and with our key allies to coordinate responses to incidents affecting our government and private sector networks. 2/2

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