3/2/2018 Joint UK-Australia Statement on Cyber Co-operation - GOV.UK the prohibition of the use of force (Article 2(4)), the peaceful settlement of disputes (Article 33), and the inherent right of states to act in self-defence in response to an armed attack (Article 51). The law of state responsibility applies to cyber operations in peacetime, including the availability of the doctrine of countermeasures in response to internationally wrongful acts. We recognise that an increasing number of states are developing operational cyber capabilities. We assert states’ legitimate right to develop these capabilities, and emphasise their obligation to ensure their use is governed in accordance with international law. Acknowledgement of these capabilities does not encourage aggression, or contradict our common commitment to maintaining a peaceful ICT environment. Rather, acknowledging the existence of these capabilities fosters the understanding that, just like in the physical domains, states’ activities in cyberspace do not occur in a vacuum - states have rights - but they also have obligations. We will promote operationalisation of norms of responsible state behaviour recommended in the 2015 report of the UN Group of Governmental Experts on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security. We will focus on positive practical measures that states can take to put these voluntary norms into practice. We will also implement confidence building measures that can build trust between responsible states. In doing so we recognise that transparency is the first step to establishing mutual trust and provides a foundation for measures available to all states, whatever their stage of development. We are committed to working through the OSCE and ASEAN Regional Forum as a way of contributing to peace and understanding in cyberspace. We confirm our mutual commitment to cyber security capacity building that directly contributes to international stability: recognising the importance to all our security of states developing responsible legal and governance frameworks, overcoming the barriers to implementing agreed norms, building resilience to cyber threats, and strengthening law enforcement responses in line with the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime. As the next 1 billion people access the economic and social benefits of cyberspace, it is in all of our interests to ensure that cybersecurity is understood as a key part of the development agenda. Further information Follow the Foreign Office on Twitter @foreignoffice (https://twitter.com/foreignoffice) and Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/foreignoffice?ref=hl) Follow the Foreign Office on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/ukforeignoffice/), YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/user/ukforeignoffice) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/foreign-andcommonwealth-office?trk=biz-companies-cym) Media enquiries For journalists Email newsdesk@fco.gov.uk Newsdesk 020 7008 3100 Published 11 July 2017 Related content https://www.gov.uk/government/news/joint-uk-australia-statement-on-cyber-co-operation 2/3

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