National Cyber Security Masterplan(Summary) ▶ Protecting national cyber space from cyber attacks ◀ I Purpose The Masterplan is a comprehensive response strategy at the national level in order to effectively deal with national cyber threats which are getting increasingly sophisticated and intelligent. II Progress 11 May, 2011 The ‘National Cyber Security Strategy Council’ decided on the establishment of the Masterplan. 13 May~5 July, 2011 A draft was devised jointly by relevant organizations in consultation with experts 6 July~18 July, 2011 The Masterplan was deliberated and resolved at the ‘National Cyber Security Countermeasure Council’ meeting 2 August, 2011 Key points 5 action plans 1 Establishing joint response system of private, public and military sectors 2 Strengthening the security of critical infrastructure and enhancing secrets protection 3 Detecting and blocking cyber attacks at the national level 4 Establish deterrence through international cooperation 5 Building cyber security infrastructure 1/4 National Cyber Security Master Plan III 50 deliverables were drawn and implemented

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