Computers Computers Law, 5755 – 1995* Chapter One: Definitions Definitions 1. In this Law – “computer material” - software or information; “computer” - a device that operates by means of software program for performing arithmetic or logic processing of data, as well as its peripheral equipment, including computers system, but excluding auxiliary computer; “auxiliary computer” - a computer capable of performing arithmetical calculation actions only and actions entailed in performing such actions; “information” - data, signs, concepts or instructions, excluding software program, which are expressed in computer-readable language, and which are stored in a computer or another means of storage, provided that the data, signs, concepts or instructions are not intended for use solely in an auxiliary computer; “output” - data, signs, concepts or instructions that are produced, in any manner, by a computer; “computer-readable language” - a form of expression suitable for delivery, interpretation or processing by a computer or an auxiliary computer only; “software program” - a set of commands expressed in computerreadable language, which is capable of causing a computer to function or to perform an action, and is embodied, imprinted, or marked on a device or object, by electronic, electromagnetic, electrochemical, electro-optic means or any other means, or is imprinted or integrated with the computer in any manner or is separate from it, and all if not intended for use solely in an * Published in Sefer Hachukkim 5755 No. 1534, 25 July 1995 p. 366 (P.L. 5754 No. 2278 p. 478). 2

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