9702 evsjv‡`k †M‡RU, AwZwi³, gvP© 11, 2014 NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY STRATEGY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Bangladesh requires reliable physical and information communication technologies (ICTs). The two types of infrastructure jointly support essential services in sectors such as communications, emergency services, energy, finance, food, government, health, transport and water. Therefore, to achieve our economic security and democratic objectives, we require reliable physical and digital infrastructure. Physical assets increasingly depend upon the reliable functioning of the digital infrastructure or critical information infrastructure (CII) to deliver services and to conduct business. Consequently, significant disruption to CII could have an immediate and debilitating impact that reaches far beyond the ICT sector and affects the ability of a nation to perform its essential missions in multiple sectors. Therefore, critical information infrastructure protection (CIIP) is everyone’s responsibility. This document is “The National Cybersecurity Strategy of Bangladesh”. It is one of the long-term measures for protecting our cyber world against security threats, risks and challenges to national security. The Strategy addresses the country’s national security strategy. The purpose of this document is to create a coherent vision for 2021 keeping Bangladesh secure and prosperous by coordinating government, private sector, citizens and international cyberspace defense efforts. This National Cybersecurity Strategy outlines a framework for organizing and prioritizing efforts to manage risks to our cyberspace or critical information infrastructure. To achieve the aforesaid goals above, this Strategy significantly raises the profile of cybersecurity within our governments and defines clear roles and responsibilities. Cognizant of the shared nature of cyber vulnerabilities, this Strategy also requires a public-private partnership to fix the potential vulnerability of private sector-owned critical infrastructures in banking, utilities and telecommunications sectors against cyber attacks.

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