MINISTER’S MESSAGE The years 2010-2015 are to be considered a defining period in the technological landscape of Barbados. From the perspective of a volatile global economy that presents myriad challenges for small island developing states. Any individual or grouping that is entrusted with the authority of driving this process and in a position to take decisions in the interest of our nation and its people, must seek to engender a greater sense of awareness among the general public and the business community to the numerous benefits that can be derived from the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). ICTs help to fuel efficiency, drive competitiveness, stimulate knowledge creation and sustain economic, social and cultural development. Of course, at the root of this is the desire for all citizens to have an improved quality of living. The benefits of ICT come not only from the aforementioned but through the greater benefit which results from the facilitation of new types of progressive solutions and economic opportunities that ICT deployment makes possible. As we transition into a more ICT advanced economy, it has become clear that all players within the domestic sphere will be key to making this endeavour a success. Over the last twenty years the world has witnessed an explosion in the use of ICTs. This situation would demand that we take a look at Barbados‟ legacy systems. These systems must be replaced in order to exploit the greatest benefits of existing and emerging technologies. Now is the opportune time to formulate policy initiatives that would facilitate not only new investment in communication technology but to provide the 1

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