Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan ‘On information and protection of information’ ChapterI. General provisions Article 1. Scope of the Law The present Law shall regulate relations arising at formation of information resources based on creation, collection, processing, accumulation, keeping, search, dissemination of information, at establishment and use of information systems, technology and means for their insurance and at protection of information. The Law shall establish rights of subjects involving in information processes. The present Law shall not concern relations that are regulated by the Laws of Azerbaijan Republic "On Mass Media" and "On Copyright and Related Rights". Article 2. Basic Definitions The following definitions shall be used in the Law: information - data on persons, objects, facts, events and processes regardless of a form of their representation; document information (document) - information fixed on a mate- rial bearer with requisites allowing to identify it; mass information - documented information whose receiving, processing, transfer or use shall not be restricted by legislation of Azerbaijan Republic and which is intended for common use; confidentional information - documented information whose receiving, processing, transfer and use is restricted under legislation of Azerbaijan Republic; information processes - processes of creation, collection, processing, keeping and dissemination of information; information technologies - methods and systems of means used during information processes, including means of computer engine- ering technique and communication; information system - a totality of information technologies and documents arranged in organisational and technical respects, including with the use of means of computer engineering technique; information resources - documents and files of documents, including separate documents and their files in information systems (libraries, archives, foundation, data banks, etc.); means for support of information systems and technologies - software, hardware, linguistic, legal, organizational means used at creation of information systems and technologies and ensuring their operation;

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