Про основні засади заб... | on October 5, 2017 № 2163-VIII (Print version) 24/09/2022, 01:03 protecting the sovereignty and defence capabilities of a state, preventing armed conflict and repelling armed aggression; 11) cyberspace – an environment (virtual space) that provides opportunities for communication and/or the realisation of social relations, resulting from the operation of shared (interconnected) communication systems and the provision of electronic communications using the Internet and/or other global data transmission networks; 12) cyber intelligence – actions carried out by intelligence agencies in cyberspace or with its use; 13) cyberterrorism – terrorist activity carried out in cyberspace or with its use; 14) cyberespionage – espionage that takes place in cyberspace or with its use; 15) critical information infrastructure – a set of critical information infrastructure facilities; 16) critical infrastructure facilities (hereinafter referred to as critical infrastructure facilities) – enterprises, institutions and organisations, regardless of their form of ownership, whose activities are directly related to technological processes and/or the provision of services that are important for the economy and industry, the functioning of society and public safety, whose failure or malfunction could have a negative impact on the national security and defence of Ukraine, the environment, cause property damage and/or pose a threat to human life and health; 17) National Telecommunication Network – a set of special telecommunication systems (networks), special communication systems, other communication systems that are used in the interests of government authorities and local governments, law enforcement agencies and military formations formed under the law, designed for the circulation (transmission, reception, creation, processing, storage) and protection of national information resources, and that are used to provide secure electronic communications, provision of a range of modern secure information and communication (multi-service) services in the interests of the administration of the state in peacetime, in a state of emergency and a special period, and which is a dual-use network (system) using part of its resource to provide services, in particular, cyber defence, to other consumers; 18) national electronic information resources (hereinafter referred to as national information resources) – systematised electronic information resources that contain information regardless of the type, content, form, time and place of its creation (including public information, state information resources and other information), designed to meet the vital public needs of a citizen, person, society and state. Electronic information resources are defined as any information created, recorded, processed or stored in digital or another intangible form by electronic, magnetic, electromagnetic, optical, technical, software or other means; 19) critical information infrastructure facility is communication or technological system of a critical infrastructure facility, a cyberattack on which would directly affect the sustainable operation of such critical infrastructure facility; 20) technological process control system (hereinafter referred to as technological system) – an automated or automatic system, which is a set of equipment, means, complexes and systems of processing, transmission and acceptance, designed for organisational management and/or control of technological processes (including industrial, electronic, communication equipment, other technical and technological means) regardless of the system access to the Internet and/or other global data transmission networks; 21) electronic communication systems (hereinafter – communication systems) – transmission, switching or routing systems, equipment and other resources (including passive network elements which enable the transmission of signals by wire, radio, optical or other electromagnetic means, mobile, satellite networks, electric cable networks as far as they are used for the transmission of signals), which ensure electronic communications (transmission of electronic information resources), including communication means and devices, computers, other computer equipment, information and telecommunication systems, which have access to the internet and/or other global data transmission networks. The terms “national security”, “national interests”, “threats to national security” are used in this Law in the meaning defined by the Law of Ukraine “On the Fundamentals of National Security of Ukraine”. Article 2. Principles of application of the Law 1. This Law does not apply to: 1) relations and services related to the content of information that is processed (transmitted, stored) in communication and/or technological systems; 2) actions related to the protection of information constituting a state secret, communication and technological systems intended for its processing; 3) social networks, private electronic information resources on the Internet (including blogging platforms, video hosting, other web resources), if such information resources do not contain information the need to protect which is established by law, relations and services related to the operation of such networks and resources; 4) communication systems that do not interact with public electronic communication networks https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/en/2163-19/print Page 2 of 12

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