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30 shown of 49 entities
Expressed Views at the Open-Ended Working Group on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security (Italy 2021)
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- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: UN Processes
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- Date added
- Mar 2, 2023
Comments from Italy on the Initial Pre-Draft Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunication in the Context of International Security
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: UN Processes
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- Date added
- Mar 2, 2023
COUNCIL DECISION establishing Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO) and determining the list of Participating Member States
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
- Intergovernmental Organisation
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- Date added
- Mar 2, 2023
Permanent Structured Cooperation on security and defence (PESCO) first collaborative PESCO projects – Overview
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
- Intergovernmental Organisation
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- Date added
- Mar 2, 2023
Expressed views to the Annual Report of the UN Secretary-General on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security (Italy, 2020)
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- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: UN Processes
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- Date added
- Feb 24, 2023
Testo del decreto-legge 14 giugno 2021, n. 82 (in Gazzetta Ufficiale - Serie generale - n. 140 del 14 giugno 2021), coordinato con la legge di conversione 4 agosto 2021, n. 109 (in questa stessa Gazzetta Ufficiale - alla pag. 1), recante: «Disposizioni urgenti in materia di cybersicurezza, definizione dell'architettura nazionale di cybersicurezza e istituzione dell'Agenzia per la cybersicurezza nazionale
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Misure urgenti per il contrasto del terrorismo internazionale
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Disposizioni in materia di lotta contro lo sfruttamento sessuale dei bambini e la pedopornografia anche a mezzo Internet
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Misure urgenti per il contrasto del terrorismo, anche di matrice internazionale, nonche' proroga delle missioni internazionali delle Forze armate e di polizia, iniziative di cooperazione allo sviluppo e sostegno ai processi di ricostruzione e partecipazione alle iniziative delle Organizzazioni internazionali per il consolidamento dei processi di pace e di stabilizzazione
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Disposizioni a tutela dei minori per la prevenzione ed il contrasto del fenomeno del cyberbullismo
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Disposizioni urgenti in materia di perimetro di sicurezza nazionale cibernetica ((e di disciplina dei poteri speciali nei settori di rilevanza strategica))
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Misure di sicurezza ed integrita' delle reti di comunicazione elettronica e notifica degli incidenti significativi. (19A00317) (GU Serie Generale n.17 del 21-01-2019)
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Disposizioni per l'adeguamento della normativa nazionale alle disposizioni del regolamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 27 aprile 2016, relativo alla protezione delle persone fisiche con riguardo al trattamento dei dati personali, nonche' alla libera circolazione di tali dati e che abroga la direttiva 95/46/CE (regolamento generale sulla protezione dei dati)
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Attuazione della direttiva (UE) 2016/1148 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 6 luglio 2016, recante misure per un livello comune elevato di sicurezza delle reti e dei sistemi informativi nell'Unione
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Misure urgenti per assicurare sicurezza, stabilita' finanziaria e integrita' dei mercati, nonche' tutela della salute e della liberta' di soggiorno dei cittadini italiani e di quelli del Regno Unito, in caso di recesso di quest'ultimo dall'Unione europea
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Ratifica ed esecuzione dell'Accordo tra il Governo della Repubblica italiana e il Congresso di Stato della Repubblica di San Marino sulla cooperazione per la prevenzione e la repressione della criminalita', fatto a Roma il 29 febbraio 2012
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
Italian Position Paper on International Law and Cyberspace
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Views on International Law
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- Date added
- Feb 22, 2023
U.S. teams with Italy to fight cyber crime
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
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- Date added
- Feb 21, 2023
Law Decree 7/2015 on Urgent Measures to Combat Terrorism
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 19, 2023
Law n. 109 of 4 August 2021
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Feb 19, 2023
Italian Cloud Strategy
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Strategy Documents: Other Strategy Documents
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- Date added
- Feb 19, 2023
European Union – Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS Directive)
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
- Intergovernmental Organisation
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- Date added
- Nov 23, 2022
G7 Declaration on Responsible States Behavior in Cyberspace (The Lucca Declaration)
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
- Intergovernmental Organisation
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- Date added
- Aug 8, 2022
Joint Statement of the Ministers and Representatives from the Counter Ransomware Initiative Meeting
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- Australia
- Brazil
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- Czechia
- Dominican Republic (the)
- Estonia
- France
- Germany
- India
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Kenya
- Lithuania
- Mexico
- Netherlands (the)
- New Zealand
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- Republic of Korea (the)
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- United Arab Emirates (the)
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
- United States of America (the)
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
- Intergovernmental Organisation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022
Agreement, San Marino-Italy
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Cooperation-Related Documents: Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022
Law Decree 22/2019
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022
Legislative Decree n. 65/2018 transposing the EU NIS Directive
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- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022
Legislative Decree 101/2018 transposing the GDPR
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022
Ministerial Decree of 12 December 2018
- State
- Type of Document (for States)
- Legal Framework-Related Documents: Legislation
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- Date added
- Aug 6, 2022